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Why Sustain Solar
Because it’s time to start protecting your energy future and at Sustain Solar we are uniquely prepared to support you. At Sustain Solar, we provide a complete solution. From the quoting and design process, to well after the installation.
Mortgage? Covered. How about bills?
At a time in life when people are living on a fixed income, ensuring protection against rising prices could be particularly beneficial.
Reduce energy bills
Solar allows you to harness free energy generated by your panels.
Less reliance on the grid
Store your energy for later use & reduce grid dependence further. Battery storage can be charged from the grid
Protect your future
Reduce your Carbon Footprint and earn for what you export with the SEG, all with minimum maintenance
Going solar with Sustain Solar
Our team will only recommend the system that works best for you and your home delivering peak generation.
Superior design
Our designs produce peak return on your solar investment because we base our recommendations on your lifestyle.
Battery first
We integrate the battery from the start and use only market leading software PV*SOL for accurate forecasting.
Better systems
This means you’ll generate the optimum level of energy for your home, saving you money