Tri-Chair One Specialist Seating Equipment

Apollo HT
In Stock


Tri-Chair One Overview

Key to the Tri-Chair One is the ability to adjust the seat height to facilitate easy standing alongside the pivoting Tilt-in-Space facility that enables the occupant of the chair to be tilted forward and backwards without compromising pelvic stability whilst effectively distributing body weight and the build-up of pressure over a larger surface area.


The Tri-Chair One can be easily converted into a more complex nursing care chair should conditions progress or the chair assigned to a new user. The seat height can be increased and with the addition of an angle adjustable, flip-up footplate and the back angle recline option enabled, the chair becomes suitable for those with more demanding needs.

Tri-Chair One is most suitable for the following users:

Adults requiring comfort and moderate postural support when seated

Ambulant and Semi-ambulant users who may require assistance when getting in or out of the chair

Those requiring to sit with their feet on the floor as opposed to resting their feet on an elevated footplate

Users with complex sitting postures would be better suited to either the Tri-Chair Two or Tri-Chair Three.

Tri-Chair One is suitable for use in:

Nursing and Residential Homes



Domestic Home Environments

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