Birdie Evo Mobile Hoist with manual leg opening and 2-point fixed spreader bar with detachable battery. 180kg SWL

SKU: IN1652600
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Invacare Birdie EVO - VERY LOW STOCK!

  • Folding steel hoist
  • 180kg lifting capacity
  • Clip-on detachable battery pack
  • Manual leg spreading
  • 2 point unique design spreader bar

The new Birdie Evo family has been designed to offer a high feature-set of options that have been blended with new technologies to provide maximum comfort and security when lifting or transferring a patient to or from a bed, chair or even the floor.

Based on the renowned Birdie, the new range has been customer insight led, encompassing everything that was valued on the Birdie whilst bringing in new features to further enhance the client and carer experience.

Impressive Lifting Range - The Birdie Evo range encompasses an ergonomic lift that allows the client to be easily rotated 360º, making positioning much easier for the carer and reducing anxiety for the client. 

Maximised Space - The high boom ensures there is space for the client, even when the hoist is in its highest position, and the optimised space in front of the actuator reduces the risk of injury to the client's knees.

The Birdie Evo Mobile Hoist can be easily folded and unfolded without the need for tools.  It takes up minimal space when stored and is easy to push and transport.  If required, the mast can be very easily detached from the base (no tools required).  

Additional NEW Features:

  • Ergonomic push bar makes handling and manoeuvring even easier.  
  • Distinct curved design of boom and spreader bar allows carers to maintain eye contact with clients at all points of a transfer
  • The ergonomic design of the legs, with their smooth edges and natural curve, gives a cocoon like feeling and easily moves around chairs or power wheelchairs
  • Integrated damper in the boom greatly reduces rocking movement of the client
  • Securely attach slings with one hand thanks to a new user-friendly hook design

Technical Specification:

  • Base Length: 1220mm
  • Base Width: 640mm
  • Inside Width Legs Open: 1020mm
  • Lifting Range: 415 - 1660mm
  • Product Weight: 40kg
  • Safe Working Load: 180kg
  • Turning diameter: 1400m

PLEASE NOTE: Unlike the previous Birdie, the EVO is not able to be used in conjunction with some hoist weighscale attachment. Please speak with to the team for more information

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