Sedens 410 Seat Cushion with Pump

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  • Sedens 410 Seat Cushion

The Sedens 410 is a light weight and portable seat cushion designed specifically to be used in chairs along with APEX dynamic mattress system pumps. It’s able to extend pressure relief therapy to sit position that provides patient 24 hour pressure area care, allowing caregivers to make versatile care plan for patient to prevent pressure injuries and increase patient’s mobility.


Alternating cushion 
Hybrid design with alternating therapy to relieve pressure from patient’s buttock whilst reducing the risk of bottoming-out.
Effective seating solution to provide great pressure relief to patient when sitting in chair.
Crib 7 fire retardant, high moisture vapour transmission stretch cover with welded seams to wick moisture away from the surface while preventing any fluid ingress.
6 Air-cell-like one-piece pad with foam encased in to reduce risk of bottoming out.
Non-slip base prevents the cushion from sliding out of position, giving peace of mind to the user.

Pump dimensions (WxLxD): 29 x 18.5 x 12.6cm
Pump weight: 2.2kg
Power supply: ACC 220 - 240V, 50Hz
Cycle time: 9.6 minutes (at 230V)

Cushion      44 x 41 x 9 cm
Alternating 2-in-1
Cell Height 3”
Weight 1.11 kg
Cover Material Stretch PU Polyester
Cell Material Nylon PU
Base Material Non-slip PU Polyester
Maximum Patient  No weight limit, yet the cushion must be properly sized to the individual
Flame Retardant  EN 597-1 & EN 597-2

Custom Tab 01

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