Icon Floor Bed

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Icon Floor Bed 

Restoring Mobility and Independence


The electronically controlled ultra-low floor bed combines high-quality construction, top class functionality to assist individuals and prevent injury. The stylish wooden bed benefits from the additional design features of an adjustable backrest, leg rest and overall bed height adjustable from 10cm to 70cm to further aid mobility. 

Using a combination of these functions, the ultra-low can also be placed into a comfortable profiling position for activities such as watching television or interacting with visitors making it the ideal solution for numerous environments including home care, residential care or nursing care. Static and dynamic mattresses specifically designed for the bed are available.


  • Maximum user weight of 180 kg 
  • Height range from 10cm to 70cm 
  • Mattress base dimension width 88cm, length 198cm 
  • Caste diameter is 3"
  • Backrest angle is 70 degrees 
  • Thigh section angle of 35 degrees 
  • Calf section angle is 15 degrees 


  • Electronically controlled 
  • High quality construction 
  • Top-class functionality 
  • Adjustable backrest, leg-rest and bed height

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