Oxford Stature Hoist

SKU: Oxford Stature Hoist
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The Oxford® Stature is a vertical patient lift, recognising the true needs of the modern care environment. With an extensive lifting range, the Stature copes easily with even the most demanding of patient handling situations.

Safe working load: 227 kg
Weight: 73.5 kg
Size: 1390L x 640W cm

Oxford Stature Hoist an outstanding all-round performer.

Oxford Stature Hoist is a vertical patient lift, recognising the true needs of the modern care environment. With an extensive lifting range, the Stature copes easily with even the most demanding of patient handling situations. Careful attention to product design ensures correct ergonomic usage, protecting both the patient and caregiver from injury.

The Oxford Stature is an outstanding all-round electric bariatric hoist that offers real flexibility and reliability. The Stature electric patient hoist is Oxford’s flagship product and recognises the true needs of modern care with its practical and easy-to-use design. With a high maximum working load of 227 kgs (35st), the Stature is able to cope with even the most demanding of patient handling situations. Its lifting range is also superb, and enables it to out-perform many other similarly priced patient hoists.

Key Features:

• 5 year maufacturer’s warranty as standard
• Excellent lifting range and performance
• Powered automatic leg positioning
• Battery pack and UK charger included with purchase
• Spreader bar included for use with conventional slings
• Lockable castors for stability during use
• Castors make movement between rooms easy
• Suitable for bariatric use
• Maximum hoist length: 1390mm (54.7in)
• Minimum hoist length: 1290mm (50.8in)
• Maximum hoist height: 2130mm (83.8in)
• Minimum hoist height: 1945mm (76.6in)
• Maximum height to point of attachment: 1975mm (77.7in)
• Minimum height to point of attachment: 675mm (26.6in)
• Minimum turning radius: 1550mm (61in)
• Legs open external width: 1630mm (53.5in)
• Legs open internal width: 1230mm (48.4in)
• Legs closed external width: 760mm (29.9in)
• Legs closed internal width: 640mm (25.1in)
• Total leg height: 110mm (4.3in)
• Ground clearance: 30mm (1.2in)
• Total hoist weight: 73.5 kgs (162lbs)
• Maximum safe working load: 227 kgs (35st)

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