Oxford Midi 180 EM Electric Hoist

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Oxford Midi 180 EM Electric Hoist

The Oxford Midi 180 EM Electric hoist is the perfect solution for community and nursing homes. The Oxford Midi 180 mobile hoist is brilliant in environments where space is limited. The Midi 180 has an exceptional safe working load (SWL) of 180 kg (27 st). Providing outstanding performance for a hoist of this size.

The exceptional Oxford Midi 180 Hoist has all the high quality features you expect to have, including the emergency lowering mechanism which can manually be operated to ensure safe lifting. The Oxford Midi 180 also has adjustable legs, this allows the carer to open and close the legs to gain access around objects such as beds, chairs, wheelchairs and toilets.Oxford Midi 180 Mobile Hoist The locking mechanism makes sure they do not inadvertently open.

The high quality castors and low profile allow for it to be pushed easily by the carer. The castors allow for clearance under most furniture and beds. The rear castors are braked for added security.

The ergonomically designed angled boom assists with lifting from the floor and the large push handle helps the hoist to be maneuvered with ease. Easy to use hand control allows for the carer to focus more on the service user. The spreader bar is also padded to add more security when lifting the patient.

The Oxford Midi 180's incredible lifting range covers a variety of transfers including:

- Bed to Chair

- Chair to Chair

- Floor to Chair

- Chair to bath


Safe Working Load: 180 kg / 27 st

Length: 1225 mm

Maximum Overall Height: 1840 mm

Minimum Overall Height: 1240 mm

Maximum Spreader Bar Height: 1660 mm

Minimum Spreader Bar Height: 525 mm

Spreader Bar Height at Maximum Reach: 1060 mm

Spreader Bar Height at Maximum Height: 420 mm

Spreader Bar Height at Minimum Height: 440 mm

Maximum Reach: 565 mm

Turning Radius: 1150 mm

Legs Open External Width: 1060 mm

Legs Open Internal Width: 1000 mm

Legs Closed External Width: 600 mm

Legs Closed Internal Width: 540 mm

Overall Height of Legs: 100 mm

Ground Clearance: 25 mm

Front Twin Castors: 75 mm

Rear Braked Castors: 100 mm


Total: 32 kg

Mast and Boom Assembly: 20.5 kg

Base Assembly: 11 kg


- Has a safe working load (SWL) of 180 kg (27 stone)

- Ergonomic design

- Large push handle for easy maneuverability

- Interchangeable Spreader Bars

- Emergency Descent for safety

Whats Included

- Spreader Bar

- Battery

- Charger

- 5 year Warranty on Hoist frame & actuator

- 1 year Warranty on battery, charger and handset and castors

Custom Tab 01

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