Molift Service / LOLER

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Equipment Maintenance & LOLER

24NRG Group offers a full LOLER inspection / service, in line with the lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations (LOLER) 1998 and other relevant legislation in regard of the Service and Maintenance of your Moving & Handling equipment.

Molift Service Tool

24 NRG Group Molift certified Technician. The software that interacts with the hoist

Ensuring correct service and maintenance
The Molift Service Tool calculates the number of hoists and gives a warning signal when a service is required. Through the Molift Service Tool 4, a Molift certified technician can connect and interact with the hoist to perform service and for technical trouble-shooting. The software also allows reading, checking and adjusting key parameters in the hoist as well as reading and printing the service history.

Record and analyse hoist usage and patterns
The Molift Service Tool 4 can also be used to retrieve data about hoist usage and hoisting patterns. When the data is linked to work-related injury among the employees, it can be a helpful tool for the employers to reduce injuries. Furthermore the Service Tool can improve the efficiency as it indicates whether the types of hoists in use are suitable for the patient group and their needs.

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