Molift Partner 255 Support Arms with scale

SKU: Molift Partner 255 Support Arms with scale
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Molift Partner 255 Support Arms with Scale 

The Molift Partner 255 is the ideal solution for high complexity hoisting situations within both hospitals and care facilities. The Partner 255 provides an excellent hoisting range of 37-179 cm (14.5" - 70.4") as well as hoisting from the floor and high surfaces. The With a straight vertical column in combination with fixed suspension, the Partner provides you with excellent stability. The Partner 255 has a total weight of 42.5 kg (94 lbs) making it one of the lightest hoists in it's category. The Molift Partner also comes with the Partner 4-point suspension bar (Large). The Partner 255 is equipped with the environmentally friendly NiMh-battery. 


Material: Aluminium, steel

Length: 1285 mm (50.6")

Hoisting Height: 390-1680 mm (15.4"-66.1")

Hoisting speed: 3 cm/sec (1.6"/sec)

Hoisting Interval: 1290 mm (50.8")

Width open legs inner: 1065 mm (41.9")

Width chassis/legs outer: 690 mm (27.2")

Leg Height: 115 mm (4.5")

Total Weight: 42.5 kg (94 lbs)


Rated Performance: 50 hoists at 75 kg and 50 cm (165 lbs and 19.7")


- High safe working load of 255 kg

- 4-Point spreader bar for extra comfort when lifting

- Can be used with Molift Stretcher

- Support arms for extra support when standing

- Weigh scale to weigh user when lifted

Whats Included

-Battery and Charger included

-Service Software Included

-Hand Control

-Support Arms


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