Marsden M-600 Hoist Weighing Attachment

SKU: t2cm600
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The Marsden M-600 is a MDD Approved and Class III Approved hoist weighing attachment, ideal for use in care homes and hospitals. Marsden hoist weighing attachments have a 200kg capacity and graduations to 100g.

What does MDD Approved mean?

If a device is MDD Approved it means that the device meets strict safety requirements which are enforced in the UK by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The Medical Devices Directive (MDD 93/42/EEC) is one of three directives which cover all medical equipment, used in diagnosis, prevention, monitoring or treatment.

It is a requirement for hoist weighing attachments to be MDD Approved, and Marsden manufactures the only MDD Approved hoist weighing attachments in the UK.

What does Class III Approved mean?

For medical weighing purposes, Class III Approved scales must be used.

When a medical weighing scale is Class III Approved, it means the scale has been built, tested, verified and calibrated to meet a certain standard. According to the NAWI directive, all scales ‘used in the determination of mass in the practice of medicine for the purpose of monitoring, diagnosis and medical treatment’ must be Class III Approved. An EU notified body rigorously tests these weighing scales to assure the user that they are accurate and reliable.

Who uses the M-600?

The M-600 is ideal for hoist weighing in hospitals and care homes, with a large indicator for easy weight readings by medical staff. Healthcare professionals nurses find the M-600’s features easy to use and mean getting a weight reading is quick and simple. A carry case is available for transporting the scale in the community.

Why should I choose the M-600?

The Marsden M-600 and M-605 are the only hoist weighing attachments that are legal for use in the UK, as these are MDD Approved.

The M-600 is easy to use. Simply clip the attachment onto a hoist with coat hanger spreader bars, switch the indicator on and weigh your patient. The scale has graduations of 100g and a capacity of 200kg.

With Hold, Tare and BMI functions these hoist scales are the perfect alternative weighing scale when floor, column or wheelchair scale cannot be used.

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