Invacare Essential Care Pressure Mattress

SKU: INV1265
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Invacare Essential Care Pressure Mattress

The Essential Care mattress is an entry level pressure redistributing support surface for the service user, residential healthcare environment. Its profile cut surface provides a cost effective solution for comfort and pressure redistribution to meet the needs of individuals ‘at risk’ or ‘high risk’ of developing pressure sores. Essential nursing care is pivotal in pressure ulcer prevention. This mattress will positively contribute to the outcome of a pressure ulcer prevention care plan. Education, clinical judgement and action based planning based on vulnerability are fundamental factors in the prevention of pressure ulcers. A range of assessment scales can be used as a formal method of assessing risk from pressure ulcer development, and should be used in conjunction with an informal assessment (informed nursing judgement). Informal assessment is considered to be of greater importance and clinical value. The risk category in this instance is based on the Waterlow Scale. Mattresses is manufactured to: BS EN 597-1 Cig, BS EN 597-2 Match and BS 7177: Crib Source


Pressure Mattress length: 2000 mm (78.75'')

Pressure Mattress width: 880 mm (34.5'')

Pressure Mattress depth: 150 mm (6'')

Pressure Mattress weight: 12 kg

Maximum user weight: 140 kg (22 st) 


- One Essential Care Pressure Mattress

- Pressure care rating: LOW RISK 

- Suitable for a wide range of care environments

- Highly cost effective pressure mattress

- Provides excellent support and comfort

- Redistributes weight to alleviate pressure

- Zipped outer cover is robust and hardwearing

- Supplied with a 1 year manufacturer warranty

Custom Tab 01

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