Birdie Evo Compact 150 c/w detachable battery

SKU: TTC-IN1652628
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The Invacare Birdie Evo Compact Mobile Hoist 150kg mobile lifting hoist is of a smaller footprint for easier maneuverability, which has been designed with new technologies to ensure maximum comfort and security, when lifting or transferring a patient to or from a bed, chair or the floor.

This range has been based on the renowned Birdie. The Birdie EVO Compact includes an ergonomic lift, which allows the client to be easily rotated 360 degrees, making positioning easier for the carer and reducing difficulty for the patient.

It offers maximised space, the high boom ensures there is space for the client, even when the hoist is in its highest position. The optimised space in front of the actuator reduces the risk of injury to the client’s knees.

The Invacare Birdie Evo Compact Mobile Hoist can be easily folded and unfolded without the need of tools. This ensures it takes up minimal space when stored and makes it easy to push and transport.

Key Features of Invacare Birdie Evo Compact Mobile Hoist :

• Curved design of boom and spreader bar – Design allows carers to maintain eye contact with patient throughout transfer
• Hook design – Securely attach slings with one hand from the user-friendly hook design
• Battery status indicator – Delivers peace of mind regarding lifts that are achievable
• Ergonomic push bar – Makes handling and maneuvering easier
• Curved leg design – Provides a cocoon like feeling and enables easy movement around objects



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