Edutouch Elite MAX 1 Auto Height Adjustable base with soft manual tilt interactive touch screen, activity table.

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INTERACTIVE Our fully interactive screen supports up to 10 touches at any one time, inviting collaboration and multi-user activities. Edutouch Elite Max 1, Auto Height Adjustable base with soft manual tilt interactive touch screen, activity table.

Electronic height and tilt adjustment allow the table to be used in a sitting or standing position, use the screen as a table, screen or lectern. OPTIONAL WINDOWS PC Additional Windows PC gives access to a huge library of interactive multiplayer games, access online resources for staff training. MOBILE TOUCH TABLES Our one-stop solution for Care Homes. Built from sturdy materials with hardened splash-proof glass. ANDROID APPS A built-in Android OS allows you to run a huge range of apps from sensory apps to brain-training, keeping users engaged and entertained for hours. Access the Google Play Store to add any apps of your choice. OPTIONAL BATTERY Do away with the mains power lead, removing a tripping hazard and providing complete freedom of movement. Usable for up to 3 hours between charges. 3 YEAR WARRANTY Our 3 year remote and onsite warranty means that we will strive to solve any issues that may arise, either over the phone or with an engineer visit if required

Custom Tab 01

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