Woburn Profiling Bed

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Including Side Rails
  • Including Side Rails
  • Excluding Side Rails


Woburn Profiling Bed

The Woburn Profiling Bed is a reliable bed with quality features that provides outstanding comfort and ease of care for the user and carer.

The robust wooden side rails are collapsible below mattress level, and extend higher to allow a safe mattress depth of 205mm, giving scope for improved pressure relief and comfort.

Adjustment of the back rest knee break and platform height can all be done at the touch of a button.

Optional extras available for the Woburn Profiling Bed include:
  • Auto-Regression
  • In-Built Extension (200mm)
  • Trendelenburg Function
  • Vigilant Falls Reduction System
  • Alternative Finish

Not only built to better support patients, the new bed raises to 795mm providing a better working height for nursing staff.

Each bed now has an increased rail height, allowing for the use of deeper mattresses which in turn provide better pressure relief.

Our Woburn Profiling Bed is intended to assist with providing a comfortable environment for both patient, and carer.



  • Safe Working Load – 220 kg / 34 Stone
  • Adjustable Height – 365 – 795mm
  • 9v Battery Backup
  • Low Voltage – 29v
  • Integral Wooden Side Rails
  • Wraparound Wooden Head and Foot Boards
  • Lockable Handset
  • 4 Section Profiling
  • In-Built Extension (optional); the platform can be extended by 200mm, without having to purchase new platforms or additional pieces of equipment.
  • Auto-Regression (optional); a sliding backrest, easing the patient into a seated position preventing the upper body feeling squashed or pushing on vital pressure points.
  • Adjustable Handset; an adjustable handset allows for freedom of movement and patient comfort.
  • Braked Wheel Castors; the braked wheel castors add extra stability whilst the bed is stationary, and freedom of movement in transportation. Wheels can be locked into place.


Max. Patient Weight: 185 kg / 29 Stone
Safe Working Load: 220 kg / 34 Stone
Max. Mattress Thickness with Side Rails: 205mm
Overall Length: 2135mm
Overall Width: 1025mm
Adjustable Height: 365 – 795mm
Angle of Back Rest: Up to 70°
Angle of Thigh Rest: Up to 30°
Total Bed Weight: 86 kg (+10 kg rails)
Motor Unit Protection Class: IPX4
Medical Product: Class 1

Custom Tab 01

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