Sedens 500 seat cushion with pump

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The Sedens 500 is a portable light weight and battery powered dynamic seat cushion perfectly designed to be used in wheel chairs.

Pressure relief rating: low risk
Dynamic air cells alternate to provide pressure relief
One-in-two cell cycle for relief to the sacral area
Provides freedom with up to 12 hours of battery life

Alternating pressure relief cushion suitable for high risk users
Powered by a compact lithium-ion battery with up to 12 hours of battery life
Pump is compact and lightweight to easily fit on most wheelchairs
Includes an integral foam insert to support the thigh area
Helps to provide freedom of movement to those who require pressure relief
Designed to be suitable for use with most types of wheelchair
Dynamic air cells alternate in a one-in-two cycle for active relief
Provides excellent support and relief for the sacral area
Supplied with a two-way stretch cover with a non-slip base
Alarms to alert of low pressure and low battery status
Adjustable cycle time length to provide optimised care for each user
Easy to use with an intuitive weight setting function
Offers a static mode for use with minimal battery power

Since this system can provide 12 hours of dynamic pressure relief on a single charge, users will be able to experience  relief wherever they are. This capability makes the Sedens 500 a powerful tool for wheelchair users, allowing them to get on with their day without worrying about vulnerability to pressure area development.

Model Sedens 500
Pump Dimension 25 x 12.5 x 5.7 cm
Weight 0.96 Kg
Case Material Flame retardant ABS
Supply Voltage DC 12V, 1.25A by adaptor
Operating Cycle 10/15/20 mins
Cushion Mattress type Dynamic Cushion
Dimension 43 x 43 x 10 cm
Alternating 1 - in - 2
Cell Height 6 cm
Weight 2.4 lb / 1.11 Kg
Cover Material 4-Way Stretch
Cell Material Nylon / PU
Maximum Patient 120 Kg
Flame Retardant EN 597-1 & EN597-2

Brand: Wellell

Name: Sedens 500 Battery Powered Alternating Seat Cushion

Product ID: Sedens 500

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