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The Alerta Lomond Rotate-Stand-Up Bed is a powered rotation bed to support users with unassisted transfers between lying in bed and standing, providing enhanced freedom, safety and care for the user.
The user can independently control the bed with the handset to transition from lying in bed to the seated position, and then rotating and standing up from the bed. The hand rails provide additional safety and assurance for the user when rotating and transferring in or out of the bed.
It has a 3 year warranty on the bed frame and 2 years on the motors and electrics. The bed can be dismantled for storage
or transporting and is available in Oak wood finish.
The Alerta Lomond Rotate bed also features a battery back-up ensuring the bed never gets stuck in a sitting position in the event of a power cut.

Key features and benefits
> 12 function lockable handset
> Knee brake adjustment
> Electrically adjustable backrest
> Four robust braking 4” castors
> Four-section mattress support with mattress grips
> Tool-free assembling and dismantling
> Memory foam articulated mattress included
> Hand rails to assist onto and off the bed in chair position
> One button function from lying to sitting
> Battery back-up in case of mains failure

> Max Safe Working Load: 250kg
> Height Adjustment: 40 - 80cm
> Outer Dimensions: 102 x 213cm
> Mattress Width: 82cm

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