Huvair 250 UV-C Air Cleaning Technology c/w Installation - 2 Year Service & Warranty.

SKU: huv250
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  • Featuring Signify UV-C bulbs with an average lifetime of 9,000 hours
  • Sanitisation technology that leaves the air in your buildings 99.99% free from Covid-19
  • Our Huvair250 has been tested by a leading NHS hospital and found to be safe to be used in amongst people. No UV-C light is allowed to escape from the unit. UV-C germicidal lamps remove coronavirus, flu viruses, common colds and other bacteria, mould and viruses from the air that your customers and employees move through and breathe
  • High tech but low maintenance units featuring plug and play ‘do it yourself’ installation

UV-C is a highly effective and proven form of disinfection which has rendered inactive all bacteria and viruses tested to date - this is many hundreds including coronaviruses

For many years UV-C has been used to disinfect drinking and waste water as well as cleaning a wide range of products and surfaces. The huvair uses two UV-C lamps which have been validated as 99.99% effective at inactivating SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19

High powered fans draw the air in to an enclosed chamber which is tuned to macth the air flow and UV-C light output level, optimising the effectiveness at eliminating airborne viruses. As the air passes through the chamber the lamps deliver a concentrated dose of UV-C light removing coronavirus, flu viruses, common colds, bacteria, mould and viruses from the air that you, your customers and employees breathe in your shared spaces

The huvair is effective in areas of up to 250 cubic meters and is engineered to run 24/7. The lamps have an average lifetime of 9000 hours...that's over 1 year when running 24/7!

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