Haven Air Rise Recliner Chair

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  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large


The Repose Haven chair is a healthcare rise recliner with unique air pressure cushioning in the lower backrest, seat cushion and leg rest all aimed at delivering significant pressure management. The air cushions work constantly to evenly distribute the user’s weight ensuring that there are no pressure points that might restrict circulation. An ideal chair for any healthcare environment, it comes in three sizes.

The Haven chair is an excellent chair for clients with significant risk of pressure problems or existing pressure ulcers due to the air bag technology within the seat cushion, leg rest and back cushion. It also comes with a chaise which helps to prevent shear and friction as well as the option of Coolform gel in the arm rests for comfort and additional pressure relief. The chair can be moved easily from one room to another to reduce the need for manual handling with carers, but also to negate the need to move a client at the end of life where any move can be painful and distressing. The chair is ideal for nursing homes or end of life care clients and residents.



  • Seat height: 432mm (17")
  • Seat width: 457mm (18")
  • Seat depth: 457mm (18")
  • Standard back height: 660mm/685mm (26/27") 


  • Seat height: 483mm (19")
  • Seat width: 508mm (20")
  • Seat depth: 508mm (20")
  • Standard back height: 711mm/736mm (28/29")


  • Seat height: 533mm (21")
  • Seat width: 559mm (22")
  • Seat depth: 508mm (20")
  • Standard back height: 711mm/736mm (28/29")


  • Mechanisms 
  • Pressure management back cushion 
  • Lower back air cushion 
  • Top head cushion 
  • Pressure management seat cushion 
  • Leg rest cushion 
  • Castors 
  • Handset pocket on arm 

Removable back cushions for cleaning Removable seat cushion for cleaning Air cushions in back, seat and footrest areas Healthcare fabric outer/ Vp as standard on inner contact area.

Single or Dual Tilt in Space mechansim.

options Right Hand side Pocket comes as standard.  Alternatively please specify if Left Hand pocket is required. Alternatively telephone 03452 999999 to speak with an adviser.

Warranty Two years on mechanisms, frame and upholstery. One year on air seat cushions.

Custom Tab 01

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