Ergo Trainer Service

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Service Inspection in accordance with DS/EN ISO 10535:2007, Annex B.

This will include - Weight Relief Adjustments / Checks, Water Separator Service, Oil Level / Compressor, Pressure Tanks Drained Of Water, Function Checks, Chargers, Track, Brake Function, Strap, Spreader Bar & all other checks in-line with manufactures Service Procedures.

The Ergo Trainer is used for the rehabilitation of gait training, motor function and the strengthening of the muscular system. When used in conjunction with a treadmill it is possible for patients with impaired walking ability to train the correct physiological gait.

Servicing and preventative maintenance supports continued safety, prolonged operational life, minimising the risk of downtime and emergency call-outs. We provide PUWER, LOLER, Asset Management.
National coverage – All work carried out in accordance with LOLER 1998 and other relevant legislation.
Appropriate Hoist Maintenance will not only prevent malfunctions and unfortunate delays, but also increases the lifecycle of the mechanical parts.

Before our servicing programmes are instigated, an initial site survey is completed by our Technical Team to ascertain your exact requirements. Equipment can then be Serviced & Inspected in-line with manufactures and relevant legislation requirements.

24 NRG Healthcare team of trained and authorised service engineers will issue you with a test certificate, after satisfactory completion of their tests.
We can provide QR and RFID tags on equipment.

Powered By: 24 NRG Group - PRO Hoist Asset Management Software. 

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