Domus 4 V2 Alternating pressure redistibution system with heel relief, complete with pump

SKU: DDMUS 4 2019
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The Wellell Domus 4 Alternating Pressure Redistribution Mattress System with Heel Relief is designed to provide excellent alternating therapy for patients at medium to high risk of pressure sore development. It features an increased user weight capacity of up to 250kg, and the ventilation improves comfort by reducing heat and moisture.  

The easy to use intuitive pump interface enables caregivers to configure  settings and deliver pressure care relief quickly. This includes Max Firm, Alternating and Continuous Low Pressure therapy modes, as well as seat inflation option at the touch of a button.

The Domus 4 Pressure System with Heel Relief includes added features to improve efficacy and user comfort. The new Domus 4 from Wellell offers the following:

Heel relief function to reduce pressure on the heels when individual cells are removed
Increased user weight capacity of 250kg, compared to the 200kg allowance of the original system
Twist CPR knob instead of the original pull tab for reduced risks of accidental triggering
These features combine to reduce pressure, increase safety, and enhance efficacy. 

The Domus 4 Mattress has been designed to ensure patient safety. It features a panel lock to prevent unauthorised changes to the pressure level, as well as alarms for power failure and low pressure.

The CPR knob on the side of the mattress allows the mattress to be quickly deflated in case of emergency, while also designed to prevent accidental triggering. The cover of the Mattress is fire resistant for added safety.


  • Maximum Patient Weight: 250kg
  • High Risk
  • Mattress Weight: 60.9kg
  • Mattress Dimensions (LxWxD): 200 x 80/85/90 x 20.3cm
  • Cover Material: Four-way stretch
  • Cell Material: Nylon TPU
  • Pump Dimensions (LxWxD): 29 x 18.5 x 12.6cm
  • Pump Weight: 2.2kg
  • Pump Case Material: Flame retardant ABS
  • Pump Wattage: 34.5W
  • Supply Voltage: AC 200 - 240V/50Hz;
  • Flame Retardant Standard: EN 591-1, EN 591-2

Custom Tab 01

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