Alerta Bubble 2 Overlay Alternating Air Mattress System

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Alerta Bubble 2 Overlay Alternating Air Mattress System

For care providers and family, the battle against pressure ulcers developing on your patients or loved ones is constant, and can sometimes be extremely difficult and stressful. Therefore, effective pressure care is a top priority, as excessive pressure or pressure mismanagement is a recipe for disaster.

To achieve this though, the appropriate alternating air mattress or cushioning system is crucial, as it can provide peace of mind for the carer, and better quality of life for the patient. Luckily, the Alerta Bubble 2 Overlay Alternating Air Mattress System was designed to be an affordable and reliable way to achieve this. This air mattress system is the perfect tool to prevent and treat pressure ulcers in low risk patients in hospital, nursing and care home environments.

Lightweight and Compact

The Alerta Bubble 2 has been specially designed to supply care providers with the basic essentials needed to reliably provide pressure care to their patients, encased in a convenient, lightweight and affordable package. Easy to transport and pack, the Bubble 2 can be taken from place to place, and is durable enough to survive the trip.

Easy to Use and Set Up

The Alerta Bubble 2 is designed to be simple enough for anyone to use, with easy to understand settings and controls. This design allows the care provider to get the Bubble 2 up and running in no time in any environment. With the included entry level pump, this air mattress system couldn't be easier to set-up, and will quickly be operating at optimal pressure, and ready to use. Manufactured to the strictest quality and use guidelines, the Bubble 2 won't let you down.

Is This Product Tested for Fire Safety?

Yes, all components of Alerta's pressure relief products are tested to comply with Crib 5 fire safety regulations. This means that all foam, air cells and covers for Alerta mattresses and cushions are tested to the most stringent fire safety guidelines, ensuring you stay fully compliant and up to date with regulations.

Can the Alerta Bubble 2 Be Used With a Profiling Bed?

Yes, the Alerta Bubble 2 System is compatible for safe use in conjunction with a profiling bed.

Key Features

  • Tuck-in extension flaps
  • Easily removable CPR tubes
  • Waterproof material ideal for incontinent patients
  • Antimicrobial material
  • Machine washable* to ensure lasting hygiene
  • Robust pump connection
  • Transport mode for easier transportation

*If putting in washing machine, ensure the air inlet tubes are watertight sealed

Technical Specifications

Air Mattress

  • Air Mattress Dimensions: 200 x 90 x 7cm
  • Air Mattress Weight: 2.5kg
  • Max load: 135kg
  • Cell Structure: Bubble 2 cells
  • Material: Medical grade PVC
  • Class I Medical Device


  • Dimensions: 29 x 10.5 x 9.5cm
  • Weight: 1.4kg
  • Cycle Time: 6 minutes
  • Power Input: AC220 - 240V, 50 - 60Hz
  • Fitted with hanging brackets
  • Class I Medical Device

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