Alerta Bariatric 2 Replacement System

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350kg weight capacity
  • 350kg weight capacity



The Alerta Bariatric 2 is a replacement alternating pressure relieving mattress system with cell-on-cell air cells, a static base section and an in-use height of 10" for effective prevention and treatment of bariatric users at very high risk of developing a pressure ulcer in hospital, nursing and care home environments.

With simple to use settings and functionality, the Alerta Bariatric 2 enables the care provider to quickly set up the mattress system and have it operating at optimal pressure for a specific user with ease.

The wide range of features make the Alerta Bariatric 2 a highly versatile and cost effective solution which has been manufactured to comply with the most stringent quality and in-use guidelines.

Alerta Bariatric 2 incorporates cutting-edge SensaCare Truflo Technology® – constant auto pressure sensing through an air sensor and microcomputer regulator to provide ultra-low interface pressure and promote an even ambience for natural sleep patterns and stable blood circulation with Ultra-SilentTM pump operation.

Key Features & Benefits

  • - 350kg weight capacity
  • - Removable heel cells
  • - Remote control
  • - Nylon TPU coated cells
  • - Independently removable cells
  • - Covert sealed air cells
  • - Pillow function
  • - CPR release
  • - 360 degree zipper
  • - Anchoring straps
  • - Multi-stretch PU cover
  • - Water resistant, vapour permeable cover
  • - Antimicrobial, machine washable cover
  • - Robust pump connection
  • - Transport mode
  • - Clinical pressure mapping evaluation

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