Air Mattress Evacuation Sheet by Alerta

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Air Mattress Evacuation Sheet by Alerta, is intended to be placed permanently underneath an alternating air mattress ready to be used for transporting a user to safetyduring an evacuation. Alerta's Air Mattress Evacuation Sheet is suitable for both Overlay and Replacement air mattress systems.

In the event of an evacuation, the sheet enables the whole mattress to be turned into an evacuation sledge. The flexible and slippery underneath will allow controlled and easy access through doorways and downstairs.

This device benefits from a generous foot protector sheet for extra user security during evacuation, convenient access slots for CPR and air tubes so the air mattress functionality is not interfered with, and soft material to allow uninterrupted pressure relief in normal use.

The user is evacuated by placing the foot protector sheet over their feet / lower legs, strapping the user in over their chest and legs, but with their arms over the top, removing the air tubes from the pump and applying the transport cap, then pulled to a safe zone using 2 people; 1 person at the foot, pulling, and 1 person at the head, guiding.

Key Features & Benefits

  • - Fits Overlay's and Deepcell Replacement air mattresses 200cm long x 90cm wide
  • - Top and bottom air mattress retainer pockets
  • - Access slots for CPR and air tubes
  • - Foot protector sheet for user security during evacuation
  • - Securing straps to help hold user in place
  • - Head and Foot longer straps for use during evacuation
  • - You need two people to opertate this device: 1 person at the foot, pulling, and 1 person at the head, guiding

Custom Tab 01

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