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The Compact Superior 1 washes and disinfects multi utensils one at a time such as reusable urine bottles, bedpans and commode pots.  It is specially designed for care and nursing homes. The CS1 provides an effective infection control barrier which protects residents and staff from the risk of cross-infection and management from potential liabilities. The CS1 machine disposes of utensil contents, thoroughly cleans, removes soil and thermally disinfects with steam to remove pathogens and microorganisms, ensuring safe reuse.

All Stanbridge washer/disinfectors include the DEOSCALE  water treatment system and Deoscale fluid to control limescale build-up and reduce maintenance. Stanbridge utensil washer disinfectors are manufactured to meet British Standards, the recommendations of WRAS and meet EN ISO 15883-1 & ISO 15883-3.


Speak with 24NRG Healthcare Installation Team if you require a quote for Installation/Deoscale and servicing.

Height (mm): 910
Width (mm): 435
Depth (mm): 660
Water Feed: x1
Supply: Cold
Connection: 1/2” BSP male parallel
Overflow: 1x19mm (3/4”) bore. End must be visible. (UK requirement)
Waste: 82mm (3”) ‘P’ or ‘S’ trap
Electrical: 230V 50Hz 16A single phase
Sound Level: 73db
Washing Cycles: 1)  Normal wash – Wash – Disinfection at 80°C+ for 70 seconds – Rinse to cool utensils. 2) Super wash – Pre flush – Wash – Disinfection at 80°C+ for 70 seconds – Rinse to cool utensils.

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