DISCOUNTED PRICE The Alerta MoveAssist

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The Alerta MoveAssist is a transfer assist unit which makes transfer functions of all types quick and easy, requiring minimal caregiver assistance. The Alerta MoveAssist promotes user engagement and enhances mobility.

Each unit is equipped with a crossbar which users can grasp and pull their self up into a standing position using their own strength. The padded split seats swing out allowing the user to stand up and board the unit. The caregiver then flips the split seats back into place to form a secure and comfortable seat for the user to sit on for the remainder of the transfer.

A user who qualifies to use the Alerta MoveAssist must have enough leg and lower body strength to stand up and remain in the standing/sitting position. Adequate arm strength is required if the user must use the crossbar. Users who satisfy these criteria and have difficulty walking or present a potential for falling down will find the Alerta MoveAssist a useful and safe transfer device. For users who lack these requirements, a stand aid hoist is recommended.

Key Features & Benefits

  • - Adjustable legs for ease of manoeuvring
  • - Ideal for bed-chair-wheelchair-commode transfers
  • - Perfect for room to room transfers
  • - Move Assist can be wheeled directly up to a toilet, offering enhanced dignity
  • - Braked rear castors
  • - Max user weight: 200kg
  • - Sling hooks for extra security

Technical Specification

  • - Closed Base Width: 68cm
  • - Open Base Width: 94cm
  • - Overall Height: 110cm
  • - Minimum Seat Height (Measured from the ground to the bottom of the seat): 67.8cm
  • - Seat Width: 51cm
  • - Product Weight: 36kg

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