Marsden M-210 Chair Scale

SKU: t2cm210
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The Marsden M-210 is a high accuracy, Class III Approved chair scale, designed for easy weighing of patients who cannot stand. With a capacity of 250kg and an accuracy of 50g, it’s perfect for weighing in hospitals as well as care homes. A range of accessories are available for printing and recording weight data. The M-210 is Marsden’s most popular chair scale.

What is a Class III Approved scale?

A Class III Approved medical scale is a high precision weighing scale, that has been designed, built and tested to a specific standard.

Class III Approved medical scales must be used when weighing patients for ‘the determination of mass in the practice of medicine for the purpose of monitoring, diagnosis and medical treatment’, according to the NAWI directive. Every Class III Approved weighing scale is rigorously tested by an EU notified body in order to ensure it is accurate, reliable and provides repeatable weighing results.

How can weight data be recorded from this scale?

The M-210, like all premium Marsden medical scales, can be used to wirelessly send patient weight data to a central database.

These chair scales can be purchased with either Bluetooth or Wifi connectivity. A module inside the scale can send weight, height and BMI to your patient medical records. Please note that Marsden does not currently provide software to receive this information from the scale.

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