Invacare ISA Plus SWL 160kg

SKU: TTC16262
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Invacare Isa Plus SWL 160kg features ergonomic hand grips ideal to fit the natural shape of the hand and position of the wrist. Also, the extendable lifting arm has different length settings to suit the body height of various clients. Additionally, the lower leg support has many height settings to fit with different lower leg dimensions.

Below are some key features of the Invacare Isa Plus:

  • Sling hooks: Flexible and secured hooks for a quick, straightforward sling attachment.
  • Design improvements for carers Push bar: Shape and dimension based on the average elbow height and shoulder width of a typical carer, to ensure smoothness and ease when manoeuvring.
  • Foot pedal: It has a non-slippery and large surface for any shoe type with a hand lever for easy manual leg spread.
  • Ergonomic hand grips: The unique design perfectly fits the natural shape of the hand for a safe grip.
  • Extendable lifting arm: The TelescoLift can be adjusted to nine different length positions for different client heights, offering maximum flexibility.
  • Curved legs: Ergonomic shape for easy manoeuvring around chairs and toilet bases.

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