SKU: IN1660459
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The Invacare ISA COMPACT provides all the excellent features of the new Standard ISA but with the added bonus of being shorter, narrower and lighter meaning it is the perfect answer for those with limited working space or narrow corridors.

Designed to support transfers for people who have some weight bearing ability but are unable to raise themselves into a standing position unaided. 

A focus on flexible adjustment enables the ISA lifting device to adapt to the needs of a wider range of body types without compromising on the ergonomic function of the lift.  

To offer carers a highly efficient lift, the new ISA has a compact, curved base dimension and has an optimised product weight.  An emphases has been placed on intuitive design to make the ISA as easy to use as possible for carers and family members.  

  • Ergonomic hand grips:  fits the natural shape of the hand and wrist.  Helpful for those with limitations in dexterity
  • Extendable lifting arm:  different length settings to suit various body shapes and heights
  • Lower leg support:  a wide range of settings to fit comfortably to many different leg lengths
  • Foot plate:  optional footplate heights for further adaptation of the base to optimise an ergonomic lift
  • Push bar:  shape and dimension based on an average elbow height and shoulder width, to ensure smoothness and ease when manoeuvring
  • Foot pedal:  with anti-slip material and large surface.  An optional hand lever for easy manual leg spread

Technical Data:

  • Safe Working Load: 140kg
  • Base Length: 925mm
  • Base Width: 535mm
  • Lifting Range: 505 / 675mm
  • Leg Height: 115mm
  • 82 lifts per charge
  • Total Product Weight: 43kg

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