Pro Bario Active

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Intended for bariatric use the bariatric profiling care bed has an adjustable height range of nominally 27cm to 68cm ensuring maximum stability and support for the user. The robust construction has a safe working load of 55 Stone (350kg) and a wider mattress platform to help users get into and out of bed unassisted. The bariatric bed also features adjustable head and foot sections providing additional comfort and ease of mobility. Static foam and dynamic mattress available.

  • Robust Design

  • Attractive Beech Finish

  • Maximun weight capacity of 350kg

  • Height range 30cm to 70 cm for easy access and care giving

  • Simple easy to use hand control function.

  • Available with dynamic of static mattress options.

  • Easy assembly and delivery

    Model Pro-Bario Active
    Maximum User Weight 350kg
    Lowest Platform Height  30cm
    Maximum height position  70cm 
    Mattress Base Dimension width 120cm length 200cm
    Caster diameter 3" Double Wheels
    Backrest angle 70°
    Thigh section angle  30°
    Calf section angle (when thigh section raised) 20°
    Total Bed Width  136cm
    Total Bed Length 217cm
    Safe Working Load 380kg

    Trendelenberg/Anti- trendelenberg

Custom Tab 01

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