NEW! SLK BlueCare. Energetic - Hybrid mattress system .

SKU: 6
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NEW! - SLK Blue Care Hybrid pressure relieving mattress system. 

Affordable, easy to use and clean.  The Hybrid pressure-relieving mattress is a versatile and innovative solution designed to cater to a wide range of service user needs. Its weight capacity of 20 to 180 kg (44 to 395 lbs) ensures suitability for a broad spectrum of individuals.  When it comes to pressure sore prevention and management, this mattress covers all bases, accommodating EPUAP decubitus stages 1 to 4, from low to high risk. Its advanced alternating pressure system, ranging from 3 to 1, ensures optimal pressure relief, making it an effective tool in decubitus prophylaxis and therapy, while also considering other factors that may influence patient comfort. The SLK Bi-stretch cover not only enhances patient comfort but also reduces friction and shear forces, promoting skin integrity. Reinforced edges aid caregivers in mobilising patients on the edge of the bed with ease, ensuring safety and convenience. Moreover, the mattress boasts a breathable and liquid-repellent cover, making it both hygienic and comfortable. With 10 individually removable polyurethane cells featuring an integrated foam core, it offers customizable support, and its easy-to-clean and disinfect design simplifies maintenance, making it an invaluable addition to pain management and overall patient care.

Technical specifications /dimensions
dimensions control unit:
16,5 x 29 x 12,5 cm (H x W x D)
(6.4“ x 11.4“ x 5“)
for bed size: 90 x 200 cm
(35.4“ x 78.7“)
12 cm (4.7“) unventilated
18 cm (7“) ventilated
SLK nylon-polyurethane-coated
Bi-stretch-cover, liquid-repellent,
washable up to 60° (140 °F)
chemo thermally reprocessed
total weight: 11 kg (24.3 lbs)




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