Aeroguard Mini Air purification unit

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The Aeroguard Mini is a compact, profession air purifier that is designed for use in bedrooms, small lounges and dining rooms.

Compact and powerful, the air purifier has a 360° air inlet that is designed to be place able anywhere.

Made of a high quality metal body, the Aeroguard Mini has a 3 power settings including silent mode which are set via a turning knob for simple handling.

The Lux Aeroguard Mini 5 stage filtration system constantly guarantees you fresh and healthy air:
Stage 1 - PRE-FILTER
The pre-filter removes the largest particles such as hair and fibres. It is washable and can be replaced easily.
Stage 2 - HEPA™ H13 FILTER
Thanks to its efficient particle absorption, the HEPA™ H13 filter removes 99.95% of house- and fine dust, pollen and spores.
The carbon filter removes gas and both organic and chemical odours like tobacco and food odours.
Thanks to the UV LEDs, which activate the titanium oxid layer, this filtration stage reduces bacterias and viruses.
Stage 5 – IONISER
The ioniser releases negative ions. These bond with the positively charged pollution particles in the air which then become heavier and fall down to the floor where they can easily be vacuumed. The result is a fresher, energized room environment.

The Aeroguard Mini comes with changeable coloured covers of black, grey and red.

  • Height: 480mm
  • Depth: 260mm
  • Room Size: up to14m2
  • Maximum airflow: 34-175 m3/h
  • Purification System: 5 Stage
  • Filter Type: Washable Pre Filter, HEPA Filter, Carbon Filter
  • Technology: UV LED Light, Ionizer
  • Working Modes: Manual
  • Air Outlet: Top
  • Air Inlet: Bottom
  • Speed Levels: 3
  • Change Filter Indicator: Yes
  • Air Purity Sensor: No
  • Remote Control: No

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