In Stock
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra Large
Quilted Teal Polyester
  • Quilted Teal Polyester
  • Grey Mesh Polyester
  • Teal Solid Polyester
  • Black Spacer Fabric
  • Blue Parasilk
  • Loop
  • Clip


Our popular Severn™ universal sling is made in our proud British manufacturing facilities, using only the best materials available. The quality standards are evident in the sewing and that of the material strength.

  • Woven label 
    Identifies individual serial number and maximum weight application / LOLER conformable
  • Coloured coded straps & binding 
    Colours allow various patient demographic applications i.e. positioning
  • BSEN10535 Compliant 
    Provides assurance of safety standards
  • Fabric selection 
    Provides versatility of strength comfort and design for the user / carer
  • Wash proof identity 
    Label will last the life of the sling if used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
  • Storage pocket (optional) 
    Allows webbing to be neatly folded away, if not used
  • UK Manufactured product 
  • Manufactured to BSEN10535 standards 
  • Quilted Teal Polyester 
    Quilted with padding, this material provides patients with the extra comfort they require.
  • Grey Mesh Polyester 
    Recommended predominately for bathing and pool use, the polyester mesh fabric, provides a dependable, functional and breathable sling for patients.
  • Teal Solid Polyester 
    Designed for multi-functional use, the solid polyester is knitted with a smooth feel.
  • Black Spacer Fabric 
    Padded, breathable, stretch material, padded for comfort during transfers. A pressure reducing material.
  • Blue Parasilk 
    Woven polyester fabric, with a smooth feel and quick dry performance.

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