Apex Dynamic Pro-Care Bariatric Mattress

SKU: TTC-ProcareBariatric
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The Apex dynamic Pro-Care Bariatric Mattress is a high specification pressure relieving dynamic mattress, designed to offer Bariatric patients exceptional levels of support in any healthcare environment. The Pro-care Bariatric dynamic mattress comes with an intuitive weight setting system, enabling the caregiver to set the mattress to the patient’s weight between 40 kg and 450 kg at the touch of a button. It is also possible to set the mattress cycle time intervals, enabling the caregiver to step a patient down off the system gradually over time. The Pro-care Bariatric has a range of unique features for both patients and caregivers, and has been designed to comply with the most stringent infection control guidelines. It is suitable for all types of Bariatric patient from pressure ulcer prevention right the way through to managing the most severe pressure ulcers. It is one of the only mattresses on the market that has a designated heel zone allowing the caregiver to float the heel, meaning they can comply with EPUAP guidelines on pressure ulcer management in the heel area.


Specifications (Mattress)

Mattress Dimensions: 200 x 107 x 25.4 cm 

Mattress Weight : 11.6 kg

CPR : Robust CPR Valves

Cell Structure : Cell-in-Cell QubiCellTM

Designated Heel Zone : Allows for complete offloading/floating of heels

Max Firm : To assist with patient care

Seat Inflation Mode : Helps support the patient in the upright position

Cable Management : To allow for safe storage of the power cable

Modular Cell Construction : For ease of maintenance

Anchoring Straps : For safe attachment to bed frame

Static Head Zone

Static Mode

Non-Slip Base


- Designated heel zone

- Weight setting function

- Continuously and sequentially inflates and deflates the air cells to allow for pressure redistribution 

- Static Mode

- Seat Inflate Mode 

- Low Pressure Alarm

- Hyper-inflates the cells, providing a firm surface for moving, handling and nursing procedures

- Power Failure Alarm

- Service Fault Indicator

- Lock Out

- Rectangular Sacral Cell-in-Cell Design

- Mattress Cover

Custom Tab 01

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