Medley Ergo Profiling Bed with Side Rails Hire £9 Per Day

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Profile Bed Available for rental Nationwide. £9.00 PER DAY + one off charge of £125+vat to cover rapid delivery, collection

This Medley Ergo Profiling Bed comes with wooden side rails.

The Invacare Medley ergo is easy to transport and assemble. The four-sectioned profiling mattress support allows for a range of height combinations, providing an ideal position for the carer and comfort for the user. 

Improved functionality and efficiency The Medley Ergo has been specifically designed for quick transportation, to meet the needs of the transient working environments of Community Care provision. The Medley can be supplied on a transport kit so that the bed can easily be moved and installed. In addition, any assembling can be done without the use of tools or technicians

Height is no longer an issue The flexible design of the Medley Ergo allows the bed to be mounted at a low height or a higher position, creating a range of working heights for the carer and transfer heights for the patient. This is facilitated by the unique feature of the bed end, which enables the mattress support to be mounted at both upper and lower positions.

Double height positions on bed ends Adjustable height range of 33 - 73 cm or 40 - 80 cm are available for the Medley Ergo.

Four section profiling mattress support Medley Ergo comes with a full electric mattress support platform to suit individual patient requirements.

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