Height Adjustable Care Home Bath - Powered Swing Seat - Installation - 3 Years Warranty / Service

In Stock
1700x750mm End Waste
  • 1700x750mm End Waste
  • 1700x750mm Centre Waste
  • 1800x800mm End Waste
Left - hand swing seat
  • Left - hand swing seat
  • Right - hand swing seat
  • None
  • 12 Jet Three Speed Air Spa
  • Bluetooth Wireless Sound Systep
  • Pair of Chromotherapy Colour Changing Lights
  • All Three Sensory Extras


Excel 600 Height Adjustable Bath Powered Swing Seat

Installation, Commission, LOLER, Service & 3 Year Warranty. Includes - Nursing Armrests, Lapbelt, TMV3 Shower System & Pair of Lever Taps with underbath TMV3 Valve.


PLEASE NOTE: These Baths are built to order and the current delivery is around 4/5 weeks. All pre-installation work must be completed before any installation. Any aborted Installation may be chargeable if pre installation requirements are not met. Our Team will contact you shortly after ordering and send pre-installation checklist forms.

The Excel 600 is a height-adjustable bath with a Powered Swing Seat, for use in nursing situations, or where particular care is required. The electrically-operated bath rises smoothly up to a height of 1060mm, which enables the tallest of carers to assist the bather comfortably, once the seat has been gently lifted into the bath via the handset.

Safety Feature
If the mains power was to go off at any point, an alarm will sound if the handset is being used. The bath will then simply lower and the seat will lift out of the bath and come to a stop once it has reached its lowest point outside the bath. Neither the seat nor the bath will move again until the mains electric has been restored.

It is available with a right-hand swing seat (pictured) or left-hand.

1700mm x 750mm with an End Waste
1700mm x 750mm with a Centre Waste
1800mm x 800mm with an End Waste

Custom Tab 01

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